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Study English in the USA

Study English in the USA

The issue of learning a language spoken by millions of inhabitants of planet Earth worries almost every modern person, since fluency in the most common foreign language can open up new opportunities in study, career, and personal relationships. However, it is quite difficult to speak English truly fluently. And the most negative factor for its most effective learning is the language environment in which a person has to constantly be. Therefore, learning English in the USA with the help of A&K  can be called the most effective way to master it.

Let's take a closer look at why studying English abroad, namely in the USA, is in such high demand:

  • You will be able to use your time effectively by constantly practicing your communication and speech perception. When you return to your home country, you will be able to boast of good articulation and clarity of pronunciation.
  • It's prestigious. Improving linguistics in America can significantly help a person get a high position in his home country.
  • You can learn to speak American English. It is quite different from the original version used in Europe.
  • In America, there are a huge number of schools and colleges where training can take place even if the students have zero knowledge of the English language. 
  • American educational institutions employ true professionals in their field and have all the necessary equipment, which is possible thanks to generous government funding.
  • After completing the courses, you will be able to pass the TOEFL exam required for admission to any American university and enroll in an American university.
  • The cost of training is significantly lower than, for example, in Canada or the UK.
  • The USA is a huge country, famous for the development of its megacities and the beauty of nature.
  • In America, more than 600,000 foreign students study English every year.

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