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Career Coach Dubai- Best Life Coach in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Career Coach Dubai- Best Life Coach in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Rajiv Sharma is the originator of the 'MARK Model'® Mindset, Action, Repetition, and Knowledge for Effectiveness and Success. The 'MARK Model'® serves as a framework empowering individuals to translate ideas into actions, convert those actions into habits, and ultimately gain comprehensive knowledge to excel in their respective domains.

As a Professional Certified Coach from ICF, Rajiv Sharma is not only a sought-after public speaker but also a recognized authority in applying neurolinguistic programming principles to leadership and business. Hailing as the foremost life and career coach in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and the UAE, Rajiv has been instrumental in guiding professionals from 45 different nationalities to attain their career objectives.

His areas of focus include research, policy work, and programs geared towards coaching, well-being, education, skills, human capital development, fostering healthy work environments, and driving innovation. With a commendable track record, Rajiv has successfully empowered executives from 850 organizations globally, contributing to a collective revenue surpassing $30 billion. His impact extends to having trained over 740,000 professionals across 45 nations.

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